icorp Library

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icorp | Corporate Profile

Discover how icorp is shaping the future through solutions in information technology, digital transformation and RevOps. Get informed and empower your business to reach its full potential with our expertise.

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Conduct a successful job search

Discover the ultimate guide to finding your ideal job. With key tips and essential steps, maximize your job search success and move towards your dreams. Conquer your way to career success!

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5 Tips to get your ideal IT job

Read this and become an IT Hero

Discover in our e-book how technology can drive the optimization of your operations and turn your organization into an industry leader. Take advantage of its full potential and be unstoppable in the market! (Spanish Version)

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Enabling competitiveness in your company

Complementa tu equipo con expertos

¿Buscas apoyo en el desarrollo y soporte de aplicaciones? Nuestro equipo de expertos está aquí para ayudarte. Genera sinergias con aliados de negocio, optimiza tu área de TI y potencia tus aplicaciones con eficiencia.

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Delega tu soporte de aplicaciones

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How to Build an RFP? (Esp)

Develop an RFP that includes the elements necessary for you to find your ideal provider, avoid delays in service transition or implementation and price changes, and ensure quality service and user satisfaction.

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Webinar: How to Build an RFP? (Esp)

“Excelente servicio, atención muy fina y profesional. Aclaran todas las dudas y dan solución inmediata, nos orientan y eso nos hace sentir más seguros con el CRM”.

TECSA Ortiz Chávez, A - Commercial leader

“El nivel de conocimiento en el uso de las herramientas de HubSpot, así como la atención dedicada a cada usuario y a sus dudas, cumplió con nuestras expectativas”.

TECSA Trejo Paulin, J. - Sales Executive

“Muy buena atención, nos guiaron paso a paso en la incorporación de HubSpot y de la metodología Inbound. Se involucraron a fondo en lo que necesitábamos”.

TECSA Toledo Arriaga, P. - Marketing Manager

“Our Global IT Service Center is deeply committed to customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, icorp has been a very important piece of our strategy.”

| Colgate | Pablo Ávila - Associate Director, Global IT

“The factors that made me choose icorp were the professionalism, their competitive prices and their great work team motivated to give their best at all times.”

| CNH | Javier Hernández - Director of IT and Global Planning

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