Privacy Notice

The following organizations:
Innovación y Administración de TI S de RL de CV
Infraestructura e Inteligencia de Negocios S de RL de CV
Infotecnología Corporativa SC
Icorp Global Services Inc.

and any other company that operates under the icorp brand, make this Notice of Privacy available to you, in order to comply with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as its Regulations (hereinafter the "Law" ), and in turn to inform the treatment given to the personal data of its commercial prospects, clients, applicants and employees, guaranteeing at all times the way in which these data are obtained, used, disclosed and/or stored.

Personal data subject to treatment

The personal data that you provide or have provided to icorp, in writing, verbally, through the website, through the use of online services, as well as by other means, are the following: Name , email, company, telephone, position, website, city, country, birthday, or any other information necessary for required services, as well as a copy of the necessary documents that serve to verify the aforementioned data.
The personal data that is necessary to properly carry out the services provided by icorp in favor of the owner, are collected and processed under strict administrative, physical and technical security measures, guaranteeing their confidentiality at all times. If the organization doesn’t have any of these data, some services might not be properly provided.

Likewise, other personal data that are not included in the above may be processed, as long as such data is of the same nature or does not exceed the purposes for which it is collected.

Purposes and/or uses of personal data

Personal data will be collected and processed, and will be used in an enunciative but not limited manner for the following purposes: identification, service providing, communication, congratulation, sending information and/or merchandise by any means. The use of personal data will be related to the type of interaction the owner has with icorp, be it commercial, labor, civil, mercantile or any other nature.

During the use and treatment of personal data, financial or patrimonial and/or sensitive data, icorp observes at all times the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility established in by the Law.

Personal data transfers

In order to carry out the purposes described in this Notice of Privacy, personal data may be transferred and processed within the country by persons other than icorp. This information may be shared with companies or persons providing services for the fulfillment of the obligations contracted. icorp will ensure, through the signing of various agreements and/or the adoption of other binding documents, that such third parties maintain security, administrative, physical and technical measures to safeguard personal data for the purposes for which they were contracted and in accordance with what is established in this Notice of Privacy. Similarly, icorp will not assign, sell or transfer your personal data, without your consent, to third parties, not related to the aforementioned party. If you do not agree with the transfer of your personal data, please send us your disagreement to the email

Security regarding your personal data

icorp has adopted the security, administrative, technical and physical measures necessary to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment. Access to your personal, financial or patrimonial and/or sensitive will be limited to those who need access to such information, in order to carry out the purposes identified in this Notice of Privacy.

Rights that correspond to you regarding your personal data
You may exercise before icorp, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition ("ARCO" Rights), established by the Law. Likewise, you may revoke, at any time, the consent you have granted and that is necessary for the treatment of your personal data, financial or patrimonial personal data and/or sensitive personal data, as well as request that the use or disclosure of the same be eliminated or limited.

To exercise the ARCO Rights, we make the corresponding format available to you through the Internet page, which, depending on your request, you must complete and send to the email, attaching in turn the information that is required in each of them. The response to your request will be given no later than 20 business days after receiving your request and we will send it in writing to the email or postal address that is provided to us in the format in question.

Changes to the Notice of Privacy

icorp reserves the right to update and/or modify at any time, totally or partially, this Notice of Privacy, in order to address any legislative or jurisprudential changes, as well as internal policies or requirements necessary to provide the services it offers, Therefore, in the event that there is any update or modification, the updated version of such document will be made available to you through our website In this sense, it will be the responsibility and obligation of the Holder to inform icorp of any modification or update of their data.

Having read and understood this document, it is understood that you grant your express consent for the processing and transmission of your personal data, to carry out the purposes described here.

You are notified that this Notice of Privacy was modified on September, 11th 2023.


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