Management and Competitiveness

Vulnerability Management in IT

Escudo digital, gestión de vulnerabilidades en TI

Keeping servers and business devices secure is a critical aspect of IT vulnerability management in companies. Today, this might seem obvious to many, but it’s not always the case. Over the past twenty years, there have been numerous instances of hacking and the extraction of important user data from multimillion-dollar companies. For example, Yahoo, Sony, and some government institutions have been victims of cyberattacks.

No matter how fortified the defenses or firewalls are, this doesn’t guarantee 100% effectiveness in protection against cyberattacks. There can always be a moment of oversight where a hole in the defenses goes unnoticed—holes that can be easily exploited by hackers with the right equipment and software, regardless of how long it takes them to find them.

This might sound like a science fiction movie, but unfortunately, it can happen to anyone.

3 Tips for IT vulnerability management

If, for any reason, you feel that something might be wrong with your company’s systems, here are some tips you can implement in your IT vulnerability management to give you peace of mind:

1. Change the password for the administrator and network systems accounts

Although it may sound absurd, the easiest way to access a user’s personal data is through simple or easy-to-guess passwords. Make sure to use complex passwords and avoid using the same password for all systems within the company.

2. Consult with a Security Engineer

If you still don’t feel entirely secure, consult with a Security Engineer to review and ensure there are no anomalies in your systems’ or devices’ defenses.

3. Use a reliable vulnerability detection and antivirus solution

It is highly recommended to have both types of programs, regardless of the size of the company. Vulnerability detection programs, as their name suggests, help identify weak points in the system and provide recommendations to mitigate them immediately.

While antivirus programs are tasked with protecting systems from malicious software such as ransomware, malware, or trojans, which not only compromise data within devices but also affect their functionality.

In addition to following these tips, it is crucial to stay informed about the state of security within your company.

If you are interested in a vulnerability detection solution, Vulnerability Manager Plus from ManageEngine could be your ally. Similarly, ManageEngine Desktop Central will help you protect your mobile devices.

If you want to learn how to be better prepared for IT vulnerabilities and need more information about these solutions, icorp can help. Contact Us. We are official ManageEngine partners in Mexico.

This article has been translated using AI and may include errors.

Klaudia Buszniewska

Profesional en el sector TI, con más de 10 años de experiencia en consultoría y comercialización de las soluciones informáticas, ayudando a sus clientes a lograr sus objetivos y mejorar el desempeño de su área. Orientada en resultados, trabajo en equipo y generación de relación de largo plazo con sus partners de negocio.