CoDe @ GreenHouse

It is part of the annual program that aims to find talented young people from all over the country to develop and enhance their skills in software development, forming qualified professionals capable of belonging and adding value to highly competitive teams.

Learn more about the program



Learn more about the program and the dates of each phase.



It begins with training by experts in the field.


Challenge / Sprint

Find out what the project will be and the evaluation criteria.



Develop your project and get ready to deliver the program work.

Ricardo Tellez

Coordinator of the qdoc team and development at icorp, expert in web platforms for more than 10 years. Passionate taekwondo black belt, movie buff at heart and enthusiastic father and husband.

GreenHouse: Remote learning platform


Register Today

equipo de trabajo trabajando sobre un escritorio aplicando tips para un proyecto exitoso

What does the project offer?

By being part of this CoDe GreenHouse project you will be able to have multiple advantages and benefits such as:

A) Access to our course catalog
B) Competences for software developers
C) Experience: Hands On (responsibility, SaaS product, real environment)
D) Participation certificate
E) Release of professional internships
F) Financial support
G) Belonging to our candidate portfolio

So don't hesitate any longer and sign up for our program.
Ingeniero técnico de sistemas que brinda soporte y monitoreo de infraestuctura

What competencies will you develop?

By being part of the CoDe GreenHouse project you will be able to develop a great amount of skills and competences that will help you to stand out professionally such as:

1. Development with SCRUM framework.
2. User stories development.
3. TDD (Test Driven Development).
4. Git repository management.
5. Back-end development with Elixir + Phoenix.
6. Front-end development with React.
7. Relational databases with PostgreSQL.
8. Context of software architectures.
9. Documentation Generation.
10. Server Management.

So do not hesitate and register to our program.

Who are we looking for?

Find out if you fit the following requirements to be part of our program.

Degree related to the project

Current last year of study

Approve psychometric evaluations

English language comprehension

Outstanding ratings

University Recommendation

Previous project participation

Permanence linked to: Monthly evaluation

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